Christian Meditation: The Practice

Christian Meditation: The Practice

  1. Sit down. Sit still and upright, relaxed but alert.
  2. Close your eyes lightly.
  3. Start with this opening prayer: Father, open our hearts to the silent presence of the spirit of your Son. Lead us into that mysterious silence where your love is revealed to all who call, MARANATHA …COME LORD, COME LORD JESUS.
  4. Silently, interiorly, begin to say a single word. We recommend the prayer word “Maranatha”.
    Recite it as four syllables of equal length: MA-RA-NA-THA. Listen to it as you say it gently
    but continuously.
  5. Do not think or imagine anything spiritual or otherwise. If thoughts and images come, those
    are distractions at the time of meditation. So keep returning to simply saying the word.
  6. After meditation, say the Lord’s prayer (Our Father).
  7. Meditate 20 minutes to 30 minutes each morning and evening.

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