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Category: Talks and Homilies

Advent: God’s Story As Ours, and Advent Wakefulness

Advent: God’s Story As Ours, and Advent Wakefulness

Last December 3, the Heartspace Manila community had its annual Advent Recollection, given by Rev. Fr. Pachomius Ma. San Juan, OSB. In his morning talk, Fr. Paco spoke on the gospel readings this Advent as being not just God’s story, but our story as well. All liturgical celebrations, he said, are an expression of love, and Advent is a time when God’s longing for us and ours for Him is manifest. In his afternoon talk, Fr. Pacho stressed the importance,…

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A Recollected Heart, and the Second Coming

A Recollected Heart, and the Second Coming

Last December 12, 2021, our founder Rev. Fr. Pachomius Ma. San Juan OSB blessed Heartspace Manila with a full day of recollection for Advent. His first talk addressed distraction, not just as a challenge for meditators, but as an obstacle to living one’s fullest life. The antidote he proposed to distraction was a disposition of recollectedness, not merely as an Advent exercise but as our daily attitude of living. Christmas is, of course, our commemoration of the First Coming of…

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