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Tag: mantra

The Significance of Christian Meditation: A Formation Talk

The Significance of Christian Meditation: A Formation Talk

In Heartspace Davao’s recent monthly formation, Fr. Pachomius addressed the question: How can meditation, this non-thinking state, be significant in the life of a Christian? How can something so simple be prayer? To some, the practice might seem merely a way of relaxing, a means of polishing our ability to concentrate. But these are mere add-ons, says Father, accidental benefits. Meditation is, above all, about relationship. Ultimately, its goal is for us to experience God as provider, savior, friend, companion,…

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The Mantra and Silence in Christian Meditation

The Mantra and Silence in Christian Meditation

(Adapted from a formation talk by Rev. Dom Pachomius Ma. San Juan, OSB on November 18, 2017) Christian meditation, as originally practiced by the desert fathers and taught by John Main, is essentially a mantra-based prayer. Because of its similarity to Eastern meditation practices and the foreignness of its approach to most Christians, it might easily be dismissed as an exotic method, just a therapy for relaxation. This is an unfair judgement. The tradition of the mantra The mantra is…

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